September newsletter
An appeal for Bodhilila
Bodhilila needs our collective help. She is in a very difficult place just now, experiencing stage 4 cancer, which has meant giving up being chair of the West London Buddhist Centre.
Her good friend Maitripushpa writes: ‘Being chair of the West London Buddhist Centre was a 24/7, 365-day-a-week experience for Bodhilila. Since 2017, she has brought so much depth and breadth to the centre and sangha, leading drop-in classes, courses, retreats, devotional events and festival days, while championing Breathworks mindfulness courses and hosting arts activities and concerts (what a gift to have a professional musician as chair).... Her creativity, energy and passion for the Dharma is endless! All while deepening friendships and diversity across the sangha.
‘Stepping down as chair means that she is not only dealing with all the reverberations of stage 4 cancer, but also the big unknowns of the day-to-day and immediate future in terms of health and finances.
‘These next few months are crucial for allowing her to continue her healing as she completes her chemotherapy and moves on to the maintenance stage of her treatment. Please give what you can to help Bodhilila recover the 'playful awakening' of her name.’
Having understood Bodhilila’s financial situation, Abhayaratna Trust are appealing for your help to raise £10,000. This is what’s needed to prevent her from falling into hardship in the next several months. (By next year, Bodhilila will be able to support herself through selling her flat, which she recently put on the market.)
Bodhilila does receive statutory sick pay but this barely covers the monthly cost of her travel to and from hospital for post-surgery, oncology and chemo appointments. She is in the process of applying for benefits, but these will not cover her immediate living costs. And beyond these urgent needs, it will be a great kindness to give Bodhilila enough money to continue having the Chinese medicine treatments which she has found very helpful following surgery and during chemotherapy.
Your donations will bring immediate practical relief and support Bodhilila to adjust to the significant life changes that come with cancer.
Donate now from within the UK here or in AUS Dollars here, US Dollars here or Euros here. Thank you.
If you want to send a UK cheque or internanational bank transfer, email
Please note: 10% of what you give, plus any gift aid we can collect from UK donations, will help support other Order members in financial and health hardship.
From the podium...
In a presentation at the recent UK and Ireland Area Order weekend, held at Adhisthana, Mahasraddha, the Trust’s director, told the audience: ‘The financial support that the Abhayaratna Trust offers in the form of grants and appeals is often crucial and even life-changing for the recipient.
‘A demonstration of solidarity expressed through financial help goes a very long way. The number of grants we can give to Order members in hardship is dependent upon donations to the Trust, since we do not receive any central funding. The work of the Trust, however, extends to more strategic work [identifying] issues that need attention in the interests of the sustainability and vitality of the Order.
‘One obvious and familiar issue for us all is the consequences of the ageing demographic of the Order. I make no apology for raising the matter. The Trust has responded by developing what we call the Local Care Network project, which is helping local sanghas across the world develop well-resourced, collaborative and effective frameworks - or rather cultures - that have the capacity to support the growing numbers of Order members who have age-related needs, as well as needs due to, for example, unforeseen health events.’
One of our trustees, Akasamitra, then spoke movingly at the Order weekend about the care he witnessed being given to Vidyajyoti by Order members and friends when she was dying. Witnessing this level of care from the sangha had a great influence on Akasamitra and his involvement with Triratna. Vidyajyoti was the first person to leave a legacy to the Abhayaratna Trust after it was established, to help Order members at times of need.
If you can support the work of the Abhayaratna Trust, please make a regular donation here, and for information on leaving a legacy to us, click here.
We have a new legacy leaflet for Triratna Centres, groups and individuals encouraging us to consider how we can support Triratna Order members in future.
The Will you? leaflet is helpful for those who haven’t yet made a will, helping to reflect on the underlying views that might be getting in the way of doing so, and also gives general information on how to leave a gift to the Abhayaratna Trust. If you would like a Will you? leaflet sent out to you, please email our Donor Care Coordinator,
Valuing the Abhayaratna Trust
At the recent combined area Order weekend, Jinavamsa asked several people why they support the Abhayaratna Trust and why they value the work that we do. In this 40 second video, Maitrivaca, who is based in Norwich, explains why the Trust fulfills an important role and why we need to look out for each other.
While at Adhisthana, Jinavamsa also spoke to Ojogita, who was able to travel over from Nagpur to attend the Area Order Weekend and an International Leadership training course, with a helpful grant from the Abhayaratna Trust.
Ojogita said: ‘It was difficult financially for me to come here from India for this international training, so I asked Taradakini, and the Abhayaratna Trust were able to help me. I feel very grateful to the Abhayaratna Trust - because of them I am able to come here and am doing very well. So thank you.’
The wave of generosity
Gunapala, Maitrihridaya and their three girls
The response to our recent appeal for Gunapala was swift and generous. With your kind donations we raised £11,196.46 to help support him and his family, who live in Scotland.
Maitrihridaya writes: ‘We have been so moved by the wave of generosity that has come our way, in response to Gunapala's deteriorating health; the messages of support, the love and the financial support. Thank you to everyone.’
Gunapala writes: ‘I have been very moved by people reaching out to me to share rejoicings and memories. The appeal has heightened my appreciation for the heartfelt connection I've experienced with many Order Members, for the support I've received and I'm hoping to keep that alive for many months - hopefully years.’
Deep gratitude from Chittaprabha
Our July appeal for Chittaprabha, who lives in Queensland, Australia, was a success and she expressed deep gratitude to those who donated, saying: ‘I can't find adequate words to convey my thanks. Your support has come at a crucial time for me and is already helping me in many ways… The financial assistance has also given me more hope and courage during this challenging time. I am truly humbled by your support and reminded of the mysterious magic of love, kindness, and spiritual friendship.’
We are very glad to be able to support Order members’ health thanks to your generous donations.
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