October news
Our appeal to get 150 Indian Order members to Bodhgaya
Many of you will know that there is an International Order Gathering taking place in India next January, at Bodhgaya, the place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment.
Having an International Convention in India every 8 years has added heart significance, because it enables Order members living there to meet those from around the world, creating and developing friendships across continents and enhancing the unity of the Order.
However, as Taradakini, our Grants & Appeals Manager writes: ‘Even though it’s in their home country, and the cost is low, being part of this Convention is beyond the financial reach of many Indian Order members. Ratnasila, one of India’s Public Preceptors, who helps our work there, is aware of up to 150 Order members from across India who would love to be there - and they can be if we run a successful appeal to make that happen.’
So here it is – our appeal to raise £7,500 so that 150 Order members in India can be at the International Order Convention in 2025, can meet in large numbers, share inspiration and practice at this magical place. For many this will be without exaggeration a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Please do help with this appeal. £50 - or US$ 66, Euros 60, AU$ 97 - will secure a place at the Convention for an Order member living in India to participate at this global gathering.
Donate any amount now here or in AUS Dollars here, US Dollars here or Euros here. Thank you!
For other ways to donate, please email jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org.
Please note: 10% of what you give, plus any gift aid we can collect from UK donations, will help support other Order members in financial and health hardship around the world.
Local Care Networks become Sangha Support Networks
Mahasraddha writes: We are renaming the Local Care Network project as the Sangha Support Network to better reflect the nature of these networks, and to avoid connotations of the word ‘care’, including medical care; to emphasise that Triratna’s Sangha Support Networks are not intended to replace professional health services but to supplement them with human values such as metta and kalyana mitrata.
We hope that these Sangha Support Networks will connect into the often untapped reservoir of skills, knowledge, experience, time, and the desire to contribute that exists within local sanghas, and provide a meaningful opportunity for members of a local sangha to collaborate in a coordinated manner - in a different way to involvement in classes and Centres. Contributions can range from offering advice on accessing local authority support services, accompanying someone to a medical appointment, DIY projects, shopping, gardening and more.
Interest in sangha to sangha support is growing rapidly within our international Order and Movement, partly due to the increasing awareness of the ageing demographic within the Order.
For more information about Sangha Support Networks, including guidance and advice on setting one up in your local sangha, please contact me, Mahasraddha at mahasraddha@abhayaratnatrust.org.
Discussion on the need for sangha support
Mahasraddha organised an international discussion with Order members who are interested in or already involved with Local Care Networks, now called Sangha Support Networks (see article above), from New Zealand, Mexico and the United States. You can watch the introduction to the ideas behind this initiative here and why each of the participants wish to be involved. To watch the full one hour discussion you can click here and scroll down to Videos - interviews and discussion - to find it on our website.
Generosity continues to flow
Jinavamsa writes: It did not take long for our recent appeal on behalf of Bodhilila, who is experiencing stage 4 cancer, to reach and exceed the target of £10,000. We raised over £13,000 - thank you to everyone who responded.
Bodhilila’s response was: ‘I want to thank Taradakini, Mahasraddha and the rest of the Abhayaratna Trust team for running the recent appeal on my behalf. And I especially want to thank my Order brothers and sisters and all the members of the Triratna community who have contributed to the appeal. I am so moved by your incredible generosity, it’s been hard to take in without feeling overwhelmed (even though in past months I’ve been experiencing and benefitting from the kindness and generosity of the sangha sending cards, gifts and metta my way).
The money from the appeal will make a big difference over the next few months and enable me to focus on my healing without the stress of worrying how I’ll get by or whether I’ll be able to pay my rent and bills. It also means I will be able to continue the treatments I’ve been receiving from the Chinese medicine practitioner who has been helping me so much.
Mahasraddha once wrote about the Abhayaratna Trust facilitating the flow of generosity that exists in the Order and Triratna community. As a recipient of that flow of generosity I am so grateful to you all. I have always valued the work the Abhayaratna Trust does to support Order members in need and for many years the Trust has been a named beneficiary in my will. I never thought that I would be one of those Order members in need. Thank you.’
Communications Support: jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org - for your questions, ideas and feedback.