All about us

The Abhayaratna Trust was registered in England & Wales under Charitable Law (Number 1126494) in 2008. You can find out more about us as a charity by reading our 2024 Annual Review HERE.

We exist to relieve financial hardship and its consequences whenever and wherever it arises among individual members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. We do this by giving practical aid to Order members in the form of cash grants, non-financial support and by generating appeals. We also respond swiftly to emergency and urgent situations and offer retreat bursaries. In this regard we are a safety net for members of the Order who have few or no means to attend a retreat or Order gathering, meet household or health costs. We are also taking a strategic look at the likely future care needs of the Order, including pilot projects to develop care networks around local sanghas. Thank you for your interest and support.

Click here to view past annual reviews

Our name - Abhayaratna


Dharmachari Abhayaratna was the first Order Member to leave a legacy to benefit the Triratna Buddhist Order. He loved to help people in practical ways, and when he died on 25 December 2005, left £50,000 to benefit the Order. This was used to found the Trust which now bears his name.

Meet the team


Mahasraddha is our full time Director and vision leader. Since 2018 he has been inspired to develop a deep culture of care in the Order through developing Local Care Networks. He loves living in Scarborough, enjoying sea swimming and hill walking. 

Taradakini is the Trust’s Grants & Care Co-Ordinator. Based in Glasgow, she has worked part-time for the Trust for 12 years in different roles. What she loves most is being able to help people in very practical ways. She also writes poetry and occasional songs.

Visarada became our new part time finance officer at the end of December 2022. When he’s not out hillwalking, he’s working in Birmingham, inspired by making sure the Trust has a clear picture of its finances, and can use its resources in the most effective way to help those in hardship.


Jinavamsa is our part-time Donor Communications worker, and has been with the Trust for 8 years. He joined the Order 42 years ago and lives in Glasgow. You might have seen him posting on social media or fundraising for the Trust by performing his own songs.

Our Trustees

Our Trustees discuss and decide policies and grant requests. They are: Dharmashura (Chair), Padmajata, Shraddhalocani, Dayasara, Kavyamani, Shantisthana and Akashamitra. They all give their time and skills voluntarily.  

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Dharmashura: ‘Helping to look after my father, later moving into a community of Buddhists aged 50-75, I’m aware of the need to effectively support those encountering hardship. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.’

Shantisthana: ‘I am delighted to be a Trustee and use my experience to establish housing and care services for those most in need within the Order.’

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Shraddhalocani: ‘My motivation, indeed inspiration, in becoming a Trustee for The Abhayaratna Trust is one of gratitude.’


Dayasara: ‘After years of working in nursing, care research and volunteering, I am very pleased to find a new way to express my Buddhist values and do this with such a positive team.’

Akashamitra: ‘I was approached about the possibility of becoming a trustee, and wanted to say yes because I think the work that the trust does is so valuable and significant.’

Kavyamani: ‘It is a great honour to have become an Abhayaratna Trustee and I look forward to seeing how I can contribute my energy, skills and enthusiasm to the charity.’

Padmajata: ‘I had wondered for quite a while about whether I could put myself forward to become a trustee for the Abhayaratna Trust as I was very interested in their work, really love the Order and want to promote its well-being.’