August newsletter
A crucial time to stand by Gunapala
Message from Abhayaka and Lokeshvara
Gunapala, Maitrihridaya and family
Dear friends, we are asking for your support today for a remarkable member of our community. Gunapala has worked for nearly 50 years to build our Triratna Centres and sanghas. Now diagnosed with incurable lung disease, he needs our help.
Aged 20, Gunapala first encountered Bhante Sangharakshita in Auckland in 1975 and was deeply inspired by lectures on the Ideal of Human Enlightenment. Moving to London a few years later to live at Sukhavati community, Gunapala began decades of work building and converting properties to create or enhance our Triratna Centres – Croydon, Sydney, Valencia, Edinburgh, Vajraloka and Vajrakuta to name a few – as well as helping to establish Centres in Wellington and Melbourne. Ordained in 1982, Gunapala also lived at Guhyaloka for many years, crafting the buildings and supporting ordination retreats there, and later moving to Padmaloka retreat centre.
In 2006, Gunapala married Maitrihridaya and they started a family, living in Forres, Scotland. Now, 18 years on, with three young daughters, Gunapala is nearing 70 and facing this critical health challenge.
Pulmonary Fibrosis is a condition that causes scarring of the lungs, reducing oxygen and making breathing increasingly difficult and laboured. Doctors say the cause is likely related to years of building work, in particular exposure to dust. In recent months Gunapala has lost considerable weight and strength.
Relying on Maitrihridaya’s work and Gunapala’s reduced pension, there is significant financial uncertainty for the family as they navigate his prognosis.
We are asking for your donations to raise at least £5,000. More would be welcome.
Your financial support at this time will be immensely appreciated: Immediately covering the cost of therapies such as acupuncture to relieve some of Gunapala’s symptoms; and giving some short-term financial stability to the family, even enabling Maitrihridaya to reduce her work to care for Gunapala.
Your contribution will make a significant difference, providing much-needed relief, and standing with Gunapala and his family in his time of need. Thank you for your support.
Read more about Gunapala’s life of dedication here and you are welcome to send a message of support via
Please note: 10% of what you give plus any gift aid we can collect from UK donations will help support other Order members in financial and health hardship.
Fostering a flow of compassion
Ahead of speaking this month at the UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, our director Mahasraddha writes: In the ever-evolving journey of Dharma practice, change is a constant companion. As practitioners, we not only embrace change within but also adapt to the shifting landscapes of our external environments. The Abhayaratna Trust is a pillar of support for members of the Triratna Buddhist Order who are navigating financial difficulties due to life's unpredictable shifts. As an integral part of the Triratna community, the Trust offers support worldwide, including financial aid, non-monetary assistance, and fundraising efforts.
Recognising the needs arising from an ageing demographic within the Order, we respond to societal shifts such as the increasing strain on local care services, by galvanizing sangha networks to foster mutual support at a local level.
The Abhayaratna Trust facilitates the flow of generosity that exists in the Order to where it is most needed. The altruism of our donors empowers us to alleviate financial difficulties for more than 100 Order members each year. We encourage you to consider including the Abhayaratna Trust in your will, thus fostering a sustained cycle of compassion and solidarity, especially during trying times, and making a significant, immediate impact on the lives of our practitioners.
Will you?
Taradakini, our Grants & Appeals Manager, writes: We have a new legacy leaflet for Triratna Centres, chapters and groups, encouraging our sangha to act now to support Triratna Order members in future.
The Will you? leaflet is helpful for those who haven’t yet made a will, motivating people to reflect on the underlying views that might be getting in the way of doing so, and also giving more general information on how to leave a gift to the Abhayaratna Trust for those that want to consider doing so. If you would like some Will you? leaflets sent out to you, please email our Donor Care Coordinator,
Aryajit’s animated Guide to the Buddhist Path
Aryajit is a freelance Motion Graphics and Graphic Designer living in Hertford, UK. He’s passionate about spreading the Dharma to millions of people via YouTube with a channel of engaging animation and video essays.
He told Abhayaratna Trust: ‘The aim of the ‘Guide to the Buddhist Path’ channel is to extol the teachings, stories and history of the Buddhist tradition, particularly from the point of view of Sangharakshita’s presentation… to add the Buddhist voice to the modern world and create a gateway into our community for a younger generation.’
We’re wishing Aryajit all success. To support him in this creative project, have a look at his YouTube channel and
Huge love and thanks from Buddhasevaka
Our appeal in July to raise funds for Buddhasevaka, who is living with Multiple Sclerosis, to purchase an electric tricycle, has been successful and will enhance his mobility.
Buddhasevaka writes: ‘I want to send you a message of thanks. With your kind donation you have helped me reach my target of £3000! This money will enable me to buy an electric trike, which will open up my world! Due to my multiple sclerosis, my balance is poor and I suffer with fatigue. The bike will provide assistance when these ailments strike and enable me to join my partner on the open road! Thank you so much again, I am feeling huge love towards our precious Order and Community.’
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