How to request a grant

The Abhayaratna Trust helps Triratna Buddhist Order members experiencing financial hardship. So if you are an Order member with less than £10,000 in savings (approx US dollars/euros 12,000) or less than £15,000 savings if aged 65 and over, you can apply for a grant of up to £1,500 a time (or equivalent amount in other currencies). It is straightforward to apply. Use the online forms below, or email

We offer grants for:

  • Retreats, solitary retreats, Order gatherings + travel to any of these

  • Living costs, such as utility bills and white goods

  • Health and wellbeing support including therapies and mobility aids

  • Emergency cash

Asking for financial support often feels uncomfortable, so you can apply on behalf of an Order friend with their permission, or simply alert us to their circumstances and we will get in touch. Email

Training and livelihood grants - a new initiative

Are you an Order member wishing to train or retrain to support yourself in future? Or do you have the necessary skills but not the means to start a small business?

If a lack of funds is getting in the way of you building a sustainable livelihood, get in touch with us about our new training and business start-up grants. We offer grants of up to £1,500 and will also consider running an appeal where more is needed.

Much of our grant work is focused on helping Order members with immediate financial difficulties, as well as funding retreats, but we are keen to explore supporting some Order members to build an ongoing source of income for themselves through training or running their own business. We have been making start-up business grants in India like this since the covid pandemic caused many Order members there to lose their jobs; we are now open to applications from Order members elsewhere in the world. Get in touch with for more information.

The Order Health Fund

The Abhayaratna Trust’s Order Health Fund supports Order members worldwide who fit our grant criteria by having an urgent or chronic health problem that needs funding and where no alternative funding is available. Contact to find out more and apply.

Grant Application Forms


Your support has come at a crucial time for me and is already helping me in many ways. The financial assistance has also given me more hope and courage during this challenging time.
— Chittaprabha

Thank you for your quick response, empathy and generosity towards my present condition. The support gives me hope and a space to breathe and get out of a very difficult situation.
— An Order member the Trust responded to in 2024.

Your GRants contact is

Your request will be decided usually within 5 working days, or less in an emergency. If we haven’t acknowledged your initial contact within 5 days, please assume a technical glitch and get in touch again or message Taradakini via her phone (in the Order address list).