Keeping the gesture alive


Saddhanandi talks about why she has left a legacy to the Abhayaratna Trust and how a random act of kindness led her to reflect on the importance of keeping alive the gesture of giving. She remembers Abhayaratna and the legacy he left. All the work of the Abhayaratna Trust has grown from that legacy and hundreds of Order members have been helped in times of need by that single gesture of generosity.

Visit our page on legacies here

Munisha - 26 seconds on how easy it is and why she included the Abhayaratna Trust in her will.


Effective care in the Order

‘One of the reasons I asked for ordination’

 As you may be aware, the Abhayaratna Trust has been working on a Local Care Network project, aimed at helping local sanghas embody a more explicit culture of care, able more effectively to meet the needs of sangha members (and navigate the complexities of government and charity support services).

This aim is beautifully evoked by Akashamitra. In describing how Order members came together to provide care for Vidyajyoti he says, ‘I had never seen anything like it before’. Seeing this level of care amongst Order members inspired Akashamitra, a young man in his 30s at the time, to ask for ordination.

If you’d like to find out more about Local Care Networks, and maybe get involved in setting one up around your local Centre, please email Mahasraddha: You can also visit our page on Local Care Networks on our website by clicking here.
