July newsletter
The gift of mobility
Buddhasevaka is one of our sangha members living with Multiple Sclerosis. Now age 47, his mobility is becoming more significantly affected.
What would help him at this stage of MS is an electric tricycle. He says it would be a real game changer and massively improve the quality of his life and health:
‘It will enable me to maintain the limited capability I still have in my left side limbs in a way which uplifts my spirits by getting me out and about in the open air.’
The tricycle costs around £3,000, and knowing that Buddhasevaka is no longer in a position to work and hasn’t the means to buy one, Abhayaratna Trust are launching this appeal for him to get that tricycle to improve his life.
Mahasraddha ordained Buddhasevaka in 2022 and says: ‘Buddhasevaka is an incredible man who has met full on the challenges that Multiple Sclerosis – which developed at a relatively young age – has presented to him.
‘An ex-fell runner, I have witnessed Buddhasevaka respond to the ongoing challenges arising out of the symptoms of MS again and again, ultimately, by deepening his going for Refuge to the Three Jewels.
‘I was honoured to be his Private Preceptor. Buddhasevaka is a man of dedication and loyalty. He needs our support; your gift will make a world of difference to the quality of his life by providing him with something that many of us take for granted – mobility.’
You can donate from within the UK here or If you bank in the UK and wish to make a direct bank transfer, the details are: Account holder: The Abhayaratna Trust, sort code 40-52-40, Account number 00023681: Reference Buddhasevaka.
For any other options please email jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org Thank you.
Infinite gratitude
We recently ran two very successful appeals. Firstly, raising over £4,000 to help Ratnadhi to change her life situation.
Ratnadhi writes: ‘I am deeply moved and full of gratitude for your kind response to my call asking for help. Stress due to lack of means to pay for my basic needs was compromising my physical and mental health. Infinite gratitude to each one of you for supporting me! Thank you Abhayaratna Trust and Taradakini, and Paramachitta and Dayavasini [for helping this appeal to happen]. May all the blessings be with you. Infinite gratitude and Metta.’
Many of you also helped us to raise over £2,500 for Ajitasena who has been struggling with hearing loss and the isolation arising from this. The money will enable him to purchase the specialised hearing aids that he needs.
Ajitasena writes: ‘I thank you and everyone who contributed to my hearing aids appeal. I'm moved and grateful for the support of the Order. Much Metta.’
Ajitasena’s carving offer
This is a message from Ajitasena that we wanted to share.
‘My response to contracting the neurological condition of ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is to focus my spiritual practice on carving and freely donating Buddha and Dharmic images. If you know of an individual or Centre or Sangha group that may benefit from a carved images, I am happy to donate my skills.’
Danayutta will be missed as a trustee
After six years as a valued trustee of the Abhayaratna Trust, Danayutta has decided to step down.
Dharmashura writes: ‘We'll all miss her warm and cheerful presence, her experience and, perhaps especially, her thoughtful and informed contributions at our trustee meetings. And her work more generally for the Trust outside of those meetings.’
Danayutta had this to say about her time as a trustee and the work of the Abhayaratna Trust: ‘It has been an honour to serve as a trustee for Abhayaratna Trust over the past years. I have been moved and inspired by the dedication, passion and generosity of our trustees, team, volunteers, supporters and beneficiaries. I am proud of all that we have accomplished together. Abhayaratna Trust is an important part of the Triratna ecology and I am confident that it will continue to thrive and make a significant impact in our community.’
All of us at Abhayaratna Trust wish Danayutta the very best for the future.
Just a note to say that if you are a regular donor to the Abhayaratna Trust via Charities Aid Foundation Bank (CAF Bank), you will find that it shows up on your bank statement as ‘charity donation’ rather than Abhayaratna Trust. Also due to ever tightening money laundering regulations, you may be asked by CAF to provide your date of birth when making a donation to our CAF Donate platform. We always other ways to donate if required.
Communications Support: jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org - for your questions, ideas and feedback.