May newsletter
The Abhayaratna Trust is for all Order members
Kavyamani and Akashamitra, on becoming trustees of the Abhayaratna Trust, were both surprised at the scope of what the Trust does to help Order members in various ways and of the care and sensitivity of the team of trustees who make decisions about grants.
In this conversation they talk about the various aspects of the work the Trust engages in, how it is helping the Order, and the various ways that you might contribute to this.
When asked about the idea that the Abhayaratna Trust is only for older Order members Kavyamani replies emphatically, ‘Not so, not so!’
Time to make a will?
In a recent survey by an UK insurance company, 57% of the respondents said they hadn’t made a will. Their reasons? They weren’t clear what to do with their assets; they didn’t think they had enough wealth to warrant making a will; they didn’t know how to go about it; and they didn’t have time.
If any of these resonate with you, it’s very worthwhile reflecting on what views might lie behind your reasons.
Pundarika (pictured), in Norfolk, did just that and told us: “There’s two things going on. The everyday things with more immediate effects get prioritised; ‘I’ll get round to that’. I also have a view that at 49 it’s not super urgent to get my wishes documented. I know what I plan to leave, it’s straightforward.
However, it’s like I believe that I’ve got some idea of when my death will be - and I realise that I don’t truly believe that it can happen at any time. Which defies everything I objectively know about death, and yet… It doesn’t feel imminent! I usually get things done when I have a deadline, and I’m acting as if this deadline is in my control. This is quite a strong view to unearth!”
It’s enormously valuable to prioritise sitting down to work out what you want to leave behind in this world: to which people and causes you care about, as well as making clear things like how to access your digital world and what kind of funeral you would like.
Legacies are the lifeblood of charities. The Abhayaratna Trust exists because of seven legacies. The most recent one being from Dharmachari Janaka. Making it possibe to support over 100 Triratna Order members a year, such as those you read about in these newsletters, to better health, living and Dharma practice opportunities. You can find out more about legacies and wills on our website or talk to any of the Abhayaratna Trust team or trustees if you’re considering leaving a legacy to us.
Swift and generous response to appeal for Rochani
Rochani, wearing her Mexican top
On the 1st of May we began fundraising for £3,500 to help Rochani with the costs of relocating to Mexico to live at Chintamani retreat center. The appeal raised £5218 so a big thank you to those of you who responded to the appeal, sending donations and messages of well wishing. We at the Abhayaratna Trust wish Rochani all the best on her journey this summer and in her future life in Mexico.
As Vimalajaya in Cardiff put it: ‘Go well Rochani. I hope this new stage to your life brings health and happiness. I’ve watched you for many years at Adhisthana and thought what diligence and commitment to your roles you have had; may the future be ‘just the ticket’ you need to enhance your practice and thrive.’
Rochani said: ‘I want to thank everyone who made easy this hard decision as my heart is in both places, but I hope I can take a little bit of Adhisthana to Chintamani in this new project embraced by this generous and beautiful sangha!’
Singhadharma expresses her gratitude
Singhadharma is the only dharmacharini in Patagonia. She was ordained four years ago. The Abhayaratna Trust was able to give her a grant which will make it possible for her to attend her post ordination retreat this summer.
She writes: ‘The support [from Abhayaratna Trust] has allowed me to get to my friends' ordination retreat in Mexico and from there to my post-ordination retreat. This leads me to be close to my preceptors, and to give me strength so that the Wheel of Dharma turns soon in the south of South-Patagonia.’
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