May News 2023
Vital appeal to maintain Amoghavajra’s independence
Harshaprabha writes: I first met Amoghavajra at the opening of the London Buddhist Centre in 1978, which led to us keeping in contact, and we were ordained together at Il Convento in 1982. In 1997 Amoghavajra moved down to help establish the Colchester Buddhist Centre and our friendship deepened as we then lived together. I got to know more about what it was like to live in his world, with his disability.
We are at this time in the same Chapter and have been there for each other through some tough times. The toughest time I witnessed was about two years ago when Amoghavajra was in pain in his spine and shoulders like never before. He was close to losing all of his mobility.
Since then, Amoghavajra has been unable to fully regain the health and vitality he once enjoyed. This change motivated him to look for a solution - which we are appealing for today - that will meet his needs, and give him the ability, freedom and dignity to continue to engage with everything that gives him meaning and purpose, as well as his unstoppable love of adventure.
Please give generously to this appeal.
Taradakini writes: Amoghavajra has been using a wheelchair since an accident when he was 18. After 46 years of moving himself around, he now has repetitive shoulder pain, neck and wrist stress. If he loses more ability to use his shoulders, Amoghavajra will need personal care at home for everything from washing to dressing.
He has been advised by the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital to push as little as possible from now on and use what’s called a powerpack. This easily attaches to his manual wheelchair so he can have a powered chair any time, and maintain his independence at home and in our community. (You can see how the powerpack will work by watching this video).
Being aware of Amoghavajra’s financial situation, Abhayaratna Trust is raising £4795 to purchase this powerpack for him. You can help today by donating any amount here if you bank in the UK, and here if you bank elsewhere.
If the appeal runs over target, Amoghavajra will use the funds to pay for physiotherapy. Any gift aid will be used to support other Order members in financial need.
A big thank you from Jutika and Sahaja
There was a great response to our recent appeal, which raised over £6,000 for Jutika and Sahaja to help their living situation in Ireland. Jutika has made a short video to thank you for this amazing generosity.
And thank you from the Abhayaratna Trust team for your continuing support of our appeals on behalf of individual Order members worldwide.
Continue to help
Sahaja’s Earth Touching Buddha
Some of the money for the appeal was raised with donations for artworks by Sahaja. Though the appeal has now ended, Jutika explains in the video ways that you can still help out by commissioning a piece of sculpture from Sahaja.
‘Working in metal is like my first language. It comes from a different place to painting. It is more primal and direct.’ Sahaja
You can view more of his work on his website here.
Living with PAF - An interview with Dayachitta
This interview with Dayachitta continues our series of talking to Order members about living with a neurological disease. In this video, Dayachitta, who was ordained in 1990 and currently lives in Cambridge, describes the rare condition that she has, PAF (pure autonomic failure). She explains to Mahasraddha some of the effects this has on her life and Dharma practice. She also suggests practical ways that people might be able to help, especially on retreats.
Are you claiming as much state pension as you could be?
If you are receiving a state pension, it is worth checking if you are claiming all you could be. Follow the link below to see how you might even be able to increase the amount you are getting. You would have to act now since there is a cut off date coming up soon. Click this link for step by step information, including a short explanatory video: Voluntary national insurance contributions (
Only if you bank outside the UK chose option 3 direct PayPal, or email for other ways to give.
Communications Support: - Send your ideas, reflections and feedback - we love to hear from you.