October Newsletter
What is in the newsletter this month?
Sign up today to alleviate health suffering.
Imagine being in an accident and having important, even life saving, treatment and then being presented with a bill afterwards that you can’t pay. Or being in immense physical pain with a back issue that the free state health service is not able to sort beyond painkillers. Or perhaps you paid your hospital bill but there is no sick pay and it will be months before you can work again.
The Abhayaratna Trust has launched a fund to support Triratna Order members health in just such cases - where funding is needed but isn’t otherwise available. This is based on our experience of need in recent years when we have made grants to Order members living in countries with limited or no free health service; and those in the UK where the National Health service is unable to help.
For this Fund to work beyond a limited capacity, we need to raise £25,000/euros/dollars a year. This is very doable if all Order members and sangha members who care about the physical and mental health of the Order, contribute a little each month into this Fund. Please be one of the 181 people needed to contribute any amount per month to the Order Health Fund so we reach the £25,000 a year for this vital work. The more people sign up, the more Order members we can help.
You might need to call on this Fund yourself one day, and meantime you will be supporting Order members experiencing health hardship right now.
To contribute via a monthly direct debit click here, or use this PayPal link if you bank outside the UK. For other ways to contribute, contact jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org.
Please share news of this Fund on Facebook and email your friends.
Opportunities to work with us - as a trustee or supported finance officer
Become a trustee of Abhayaratna Trust and help oversee and develop our work caring for the Order. We would particularly like to hear from you if you are a younger Order member and/or have some experience in finance, or health and social care, with Triratna in India.
Alongside the financial support we give to Order members around the world through grants (over 100 a year) and appeals (for those in greater need), we also offer advice and support to mitigate or pre-empt financial hardship. (See our website for more about our work.)
Our Trustees - 7 at present - meet 4 times a year online or at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, and in-between contribute once or twice a month via email. All trustees are fully insured and travel expenses are paid. If you are an Order member with enthusiasm for the ethos of the Trust, please contact Dharmashura, Chair of the Abhayaratna Trust, in the first instance for an informal discussion (email: dharmashura@aol.com). The closing date for informal enquiries is 20th November and closing date for written request following an informal enquiry is 30th November.
Our beloved Utpalavajri is leaving us at the end of the year so we have a vacancy for a Finance Officer. This role supports the Director, Mahasraddha, to implement the Trust's vision by ensuring all the Trust's expenses, income, and transactions are recorded in the Trust's books and reconciling the Trust's financial accounts on QuickBooks and running the payroll. If you are interested in exploring this part time supported role as our new Finance Officer, please contact Mahasraddha@abhayaratnatrust.org.
Successful appeal for Rupachitta
Our appeal to raise £5,500 for Rupachitta to buy a secondhand vehicle has been successful, so thank you to all who responded. Rupachitta lives in a remote part of the Isle of Lewis, in the Scottish Outer Hebrides, where it is not practical to live without such transport.
Part of the money was raised by selling three paintings by Rupachitta, through an online gallery set up on our website. Today we received this message from her: ‘As I drive along to work or to play with the dogs in the back or as today with bags of gravel, or on other days it might be manure or seaweed or wood, I will rejoice in people’s generosity and their enabling me to keep going with my life here. Thank you.’
Problems paying bills?
Did you know that you can apply to The Abhayaratna Trust for help with paying household bills? For example The cost of gas and electricity is a real concern for people across Europe, including many in our Order. Triratna Order members can request up to £1500 / €1700 support with their personal fuel costs., email taradakini@abhayaratnatrust.org or text her on +44 0 7857 351818 if you need financial assistance.
Only if you bank outside the UK chose option 3 direct PayPal, or email jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org for other ways to give.
Communications Support: jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org - Send your ideas, reflections and feedback - we love to hear from you.