February 2025 News
Mahasraddha visits livelihood projects in India
Mahasraddha, the Director of the Abhayaratna Trust, is in India for the Order Convention, which is taking place at Bodh Gaya from 24th to 31st of January. While he is in India Mahasraddha will also be visiting some of the livelihood projects that were funded by the Abhayaratna Trust through our Covid India Fund, from money raised by an appeal run by the Trust in 2021.
In the spring of 2022, we began making grants to Order members with very limited finances to set up their own business, so that they might have a more stable way of supporting themselves and their families.
One of the projects Mahasraddha will visit is the homemade pickle business started by Maitrijaya (pictured), who lives in Wardha. Perhaps he’ll even get to sample the pickles.
When Maitrijaya received a grant for her business in 2022, she wrote: 'I am very pleased to get help at the right time. I had very bad time in covid. Through this help I could establish my business. It is not only helping me but is giving employment to some women in need around our area. Thank you very much to Abhayaratna team, from my heart.’
Thank you to all who gave to that Covid India Appeal in 2021.
Should you carry a Next of Kin Card?
Jñanamitra, one of the first Abhayaratna trustees, designed a Next of Kin Card for Order members in the UK and it has been on our website for many years here. As a reminder, she writes: 'Do you realise that your Order friends may be prevented from being with you if you have a medical emergency and are unconscious?
'The Next of Kin card was based on one designed for people with same sex partners, who back then were not recognised in law. The same applies to our deep connections with one another in the Order and Triratna Community. Many of us will have a connection with a fellow practitioner that is more alive and meaningful than with a blood relative. If so, fill this in, keep it in your wallet or purse so it can be found if you are unconscious, and your Order or Mitra friend will be able to be there for you.
'I was inspired to develop this Next of Kin Card by the circumstances around an Order friend who had a stroke while on retreat a long way from home. At the local hospital the Order members who had been on retreat with them were unable to be at their bedside because they were not family, and had to wait two days while the hospital found a blood relative and got their permission.
Do print it out, fill it in, sign it, keep it where it can be found in your wallet or purse. And encourage your friends to do likewise.'
The value of going on solitary retreat
Is it a while since you have managed to go on a solitary retreat? If so and this is for financial reasons you could apply to the Abhayaratna Trust to cover the cost. Going on solitary can be an important factor in deepening Dharma practice but it can be expensive to rent a suitable place. If you are an Order member and would like to request a solitary retreat grant, contact taradakini@abhayaratnatrust.org.
‘The special value of solitaries is, of course, the solitude. It throws you back on yourself in a strong and uncompromising way. You can't blame anyone else for your mental states. You see, neat and undiluted, the world you are creating with your mind. Ultimately this can be liberating. We know and understand the ups and downs of the mind, and new possibilities start to emerge...’ Vajragupta, author of Wild Awake.
Let love be your legacy
Did you know that Dharmachari Abhayaratna’s legacy enabled the Trust to be founded, and legacies from Order members such as Manjusvara, Anjali, Jayamitra, Dharmottara, Aryashila and Janaka have been essential in helping us to expand how many Order members Abhayaratna Trust can help each year, and in our being resourced to offer non-financial support too.
Leaving a legacy can have a widespread effect in benefitting others, so if you have not already done so, please consider including the Abhayaratna Trust in your will and we will ensure the money goes to Order members in need of support. Visit our legacies page online here.
If you would like one of our leaflets with more information about wills, please contact jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org
Grants to keep you warm this winter
Here’s a reminder that we are still offering winter fuel grants for those in the Northern Hemisphere who might be feeling the chill. If you have less than £10,000 of savings (or less than £15,000 if you’re 65+), you are welcome to get in touch with taradakini@abhayaratnatrust.org.
Communications Support: jinavamsa@abhayaratnatrust.org - for your questions, ideas and feedback.